Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) yellow, green, blue, white, grey and black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of the term "VOZ DO BRASIL" over a soccer ball comprising multiple hexagonal panels, of which six (6) hexagonal panels are fully visible. One of the hexagonal panels, on the top left of the soccer ball, contains a picture of the statue called "Christ the Redeemer of the Open Arms." Another panel, on the top right corner of the ball includes a picture of a macaw. Three other hexagonal panels, one directly under the "Christ the Redeemer" statue panel, one slightly below and to the right of it, and one directly below the panel containing the macaw, each includes a picturesque scene of Brazil. The color yellow appears in the coloring of the chest and side of the head of the macaw. The color green appears in a field in the picture on the lower-center hexagon, in some trees in the picture on the lower-left hexagon and on the macaw's head. The color blue appears in the background of the picture of the "Christ the Redeemer" statue, in part of all three of the lower hexagons, and on the head and neck of the macaw. The color white appears as the background for the ten (10) hexagons, on the "Christ the redeemer" statue, on the macaw's face, on the waterfall in the lower-right hexagon, outlining the field in the lower-center hexagon, in the lettering for the disclaimed term "$5" and as the inner border for the terms "VOZ DO BRASIL." The color grey appears as the inner border of each hexagonal panel. The color black appears as the outlining for the pentagons and hexagons making up the soccer ball. |
Goods and Services | Pre-paid telephone calling cards, not magnetically encoded |
Translation of Words in Mark | The foreign wording in the mark translates into English as follows: The English translation of the words "VOZ DO BRASIL" is "VOICE OF BRAZIL." The translations of the disclaimed foreign words depicted in the specimen are as follows: the English translation of "CARTAÕ TELEFÔNICO PRÉ-PAGO" is "PRE-PAID TELEPHONE CARD. The English translation of "AGORA LIGAÇÕES DO BRASIL PARA U.S.A." is "NOW YOU CAN CALL FROM BRAZIL TO U.S.A." The English translation of "SEM TAXA DE CONECÇAO" is "WITHOUT CONNECTION CHARGE." |