Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) Blue, Red, Yellow, White and Black is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of the Colors Claimed | Applicant claims use of these colors in the following ways-- 1. Blue-- the small, individual diamond, which is part of the large single diamond and which is located in the left-hand-most section of the large single diamond, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, is blue in color. 2. Red-- the small, individual diamond, which is part of the large single diamond and which is located in the top-most section of the large single diamond, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, is red in color. 3. Yellow-- the small, individual diamond, which is part of the large single diamond and which is located in the right-hand-most section of the large single diamond, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, is yellow in color. 4. White-- the small, individual diamond, which is part of the large single diamond and which is located in the lower-most section of the large single diamond, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, is white in color. In addition, the letters and words "U.S. CHEMICAL" and "storage", are located above and below a white line, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, and are white in color. 5. Black-- the entire mark, as is more fully described elsewhere in this application, is set against a black background. |
Disclaimer with Predetermined Text | "U.S. chemical storage" |
Description of Mark | The mark contains white lines and letters and also includes the use of color, as more fully described below. The entire mark is set against a black background. On the left side of the mark is a four-point diamond, which is comprised of four small individual diamonds, each of which is a different color, and each of which is exactly the same size. The four diamonds are set apart from one another. Beginning on the left and proceeding clockwise, the small individual diamonds are solid blue, red, yellow and white. A thick white line begins at the left point of the large single diamond (the small blue diamond) and runs up the upper left side of the diamond, in diagonal fashion. The line, which is continuous, runs up to the top point of the diamond and down the upper right side of the diamond, in diagonal fashion. The line, still unbroken, runs down to the right point of the large single diamond (the yellow diamond) and bends slightly to the left, such that the line continues away from the diamond, in horizontal fashion. Above this white horizontal line are written the words "U.S. CHEMICAL", which are in heavy, bold, white capital letters. The horizontal line ends parallel to, and just beneath, the right-hand most side of the "L" in "CHEMICAL". Just below the horizontal white line, beginning immediately below the "U" in "U.S"., is the word "storage", which is in smaller, bold, white lower case letters. The last letter of the word "storage", "e", is beneath and between the first "C" and the "H" in "CHEMICAL". |
Goods and Services | Pre-fabricated and custom fabricated metal storage containers and storage systems comprised of metal containment bins, metal storage boxes and metal storage buildings for the safe storage of chemicals and chemical products |