Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) black, white, grey, indigo blue, brown, tan, gold and red is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of Starting from the back there is a designed image of a man who has only the head, face, forehead, a jaw, nose, lips, an ear, an eye, a eyebrow, mustache, goatee, neck, hair, bone structures and added cheek bone structure of Sean Brown in a left side view of me in the top right of the mark. The hair is indigo blue, the waves in the hair are grey scaled, the side burns are red with two slits going horizontal, the eyebrow is black, the mustache is black, the goatee is black, the forehead is tan and brown, the eye lid is tan, brown and halfway shut, the nose is tan and brown, the lips are tan and brown, the cheek and cheek bone is tan and brown, the ear is tan and brown and the neck is tan and brown. Next going down to the left arm and hand that is tan and brown. The left hand is placed inside the mans left pants pocket whose left thumb is sticking out. The right hand is holding the left forearm and is placed behind the mans back. Next the man is dressed in a black cape that has tips colored in black, indigo blue, red and white. Next he is dressed in a white t-shirt with black shadow prints. Next he is dressed in a black belt with white trim on the top and bottom. Next he has on pants that are indigo blue on his right leg and red on his left leg with black shadow prints on both legs. Next he is wearing shoes that are both black, indigo blue, red and white. The base color of the right shoe is white and the base color of the left shoe is black. The right shoe is pointing to the left and the left shoe is pointing towards the front. The man is also wearing a gold chain with no medallion. Next at the top middle left is the word The that has a font style of Voga colored indigo blue that sits right above the black tip of the cape and the letter s in the word Supah. Next in the middle front is the word Supah colored white that has a grey scale shadow surrounding the entire word and has a font style of Feathergraphy. Next at the middle bottom right is the word Man that has a font style of Voga colored red that is right beneath the letter h in the word Supah. All are within a circle that has a white background and has a black thick trim with a grey scaled glow surrounding the thick black trim. |