Goods and Services | Services comprising retail hurricane survival products and equipment namely-- gloves, flashlights, battery operated and self powered radios and televisions (noaa wx), batteries, bottled water, manual can opener, two way radios, first aid kits, duct and masking tape, matches, water proof matches, water proof containers, lighters, battery operated clocks, liquid fuel and gas cooking stoves, battery powered lanterns, plastic drop cloths and tarps, trash bags, small tool kits, rope, mosquito deterrents and sprays, mosquito netting, tarps (canvas or plastic), water purification tablets, multi purpose hand tools, magnifying glasses, fire extinguishers, whistles, glow light sticks, knives, tie wraps, plastic food bags water tight document folder, back packs, air horns, eye glasses and eyewear protection, power tools, air tools, battery operated tools, packaged meals, electronic products including televisions, global positioning systems, radios, MP3 and multimedia players, games, computer and electronic battery back up devices, to-go back pack evacuation saver kits, advanced first aid devices including defibulators, auto blood pressure cuffs, disposable towels and tissues, sanitizing materials, sun tan lotions, disposable cameras and videos, box cutters, candles, bull horns, outdoor covers and screens, elasticized tie downs, mechanical strap tie downs, tents, civil band radios, marine radios emergency sound and visual distress signals, flotation devices, signal mirrors, life rafts, water containers, fuel containers, pet containers, pet supplies, survival books and literature, camping equipment, sleeping equipment, cooking equipment, cleaning equipment, self protection equipment and devices, special use clothing for rain, cold, water, fire, heat, plylocks for window protection, electrical generators, portable potties, portable refrigerators and heating devices, power inverters and boosters, computer systems, satellite phones, UHF portable radios, short wave radios, emergency notification information, home land security equipment, over the counter medications, medications for biological concerns, protective breathing masks, protective biological clothing, electrical power cords, cooking equipment, eating and food utensils, portable tables, cell phones, tracking devices for people and pets, sleeping cots, glass window protection, inflatable boats, rolling storage chests, battery chargers and cables, jump start systems, spotlights, wet and dry vacuums, heating pads, fans, air compressor and accessories, fishing equipment, hunting equipment, escape ladder, emergency fire blanket, portable drinking back packs, wet suits, scuba equipment, protective foot ware; non-perishable foods, namely-- baby food and formula, bottled drinking fluids, packaged snack foods, packaged meat products, packaged vegetable products, packaged fruits, dried fruits, , canned meats and fish, canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned pasta products, canned milk and other liquids, canned soup and stews, boxed milk, candy, energy foods and drinks, and spices; and other items, namely-- tin foil, soaps and detergents, bleach, charcoal and lighter fluid, disposable diapers, and toiletries kits |