Description of Mark | The mark consists of The mark includes the logo in its specific font color: DimGray, HEX #895d6c, hsv(339.5, 32.1, 53.7); with the background colors which include 3 main colors including Background Color 1: MistyRose, HEX #f3e2d8, hsv(22.2, 11.1, 95.3); Background Color 2: Linen, HEX #f8eee5, hsv(28.4, 7.7, 97.3); Background Color 3: SeaShell, HEX #fff6f1, hsv(21.4, 5.5, 100); Background Color 4: White, #fdfcfa, hsv(40, 1.2, 99.2).. |
In Another Form Statement | The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 09/25/2023. |
In Another Form Statement | The mark was first used in commerce in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 09/25/2023. |
Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) Font Color: DimGray, HEX #895d6c, hsv(339.5, 32.1, 53.7) Background Color 1: MistyRose, HEX #f3e2d8, hsv(22.2, 11.1, 95.3) Background Color 2: Linen, HEX #f8eee5, hsv(28.4, 7.7, 97.3) Background Color 3: SeaShell, HEX #fff6f1, hsv(21.4, 5.5, 100) Background Color 4: White, #fdfcfa, hsv(40, 1.2, 99.2) is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Goods and Services | Laser hair removal services |