Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) Black, Light Green, Green, Teal, Light Teal, Blue, Light Blue, Purple, Light Purple is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of a series of five columns of colored, solid vertical bars with solid circles immediately above the bars in the same color as its corresponding bar. The color of the bar/circle pairs, from left to right are Light Green, Green, Teal (lower), Light Teal (upper), Light Blue and Purple. The middle column includes two bar/circle pairs and all other columns contain one such pair. Above each bar/circle pair is a solid octagon, with the middle column having only one such octagon above the top bar/circle pair. The forth bar/circle pair from the left edge has two such octagons above it. Each octagon is in the same color tone as the bar/circle pair immediately below it, but slightly lighter. The constellation of bars, circles and octagons forms a hexagon if a line were to be drawn generally around the perimeter of the shape. To the right of the constellation of bars, circles and octagons is the company name, PanXome. The P and the X in the word PanXome are capitalized and all other letters are lower case. The word, PanXome is in a thin black Open Sans Light font and the height of the left side of the first letter, P, is generally aligned with the two rightmost sloping sides of the constellation of bars, circles and octagons, but shifted slightly to the right. Below the company name, PanXome, is the company tagline, Expanding the Boundaries of eXomic Medicine. The first letter of the first, third and last words are capitalized. The first letter of the word, eXomic, is not capitalized, however, the letter X in the word "eXomic" is capitalized. All other letters are lower case. The tagline is in a light purple, small, Open Sans Light font which extends the entire length of the word, PanXome, which is above the tagline. The tagline is positioned vertically about halfway between the bottom of the word, PanXome, and the bottom of the constellation of bars, circles and octagons. |