Goods and Services | (Based on Intent to Use) Amplifiers, Antennas, ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND DISCRETE ANALOG CIRCUITS, MICROWAVE, ANALOG AND DIGITAL GALLIUM ARSENIDE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS, Digital Integrated circuits and discrete digital circuits, mixed signal integrated circuits and mixed signal discrete circuits, Attenuators, Cable Connectors, Cable Jump Leads, Capacitors, Circuit Boards, Coaxial cables, Computer Chips, Computer hardware, Computer memories, Computer operating programs, Computer peripherals, computer programs for use in the design and application of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices and instruction manuals sold therewith, Demultiplexers, Electric signs, Electric wires, Electrical cables, Electrical circuit boards, Electrical conductors, Electrical connectors, Electrical controllers, Electrical inductors, Electrical wires, Electronic encryption units, Encoders, External modems, Fiber optic cables, Fiber optic light and image conduits, Fiber optics, Fusible links, Graphics cards, Heat sinks for use in computers, Insulated electrical connectors, Integrated circuits, Inverters, Jackets for computer disks, Laser discs featuring product or company information,Microchips, Microprocessors, Mobile data receivers, Mobile radios, Mobile telephones, Modems, Multimedia software recorded on CD-ROM for sales, services, and product materials, Multiplexers, Object detectors for use on vehicles using lasers, electromagnetic energy, magnetic, or electric fields, optical transmitters, optical-to-electrical or electrical-to-optical assemblies, optical transceivers, electronic components used in optical devices, electronic devices, electronic devices used in test equipment, electronic devices used on circuit boards, lectronic devices used in circuit boards, electronic packaging, packaged electronic devices, packaged optical devices, photonic devices, backplane transmitters, backplane receivers, backplane transceivers, electronic switches, electronic device interconnects, phase locked loops, clock recovery devices, clock and data recovery devices, digital to analog converters, analog to digital converters, decision circuits, radio frequency components, broadband components, radio frequency mixers, intermediate frequency components, baseband components, optical components, Power supplies, Pre-amplifiers, post-amplifiers, Printed circuit boards, Printed circuits, Printing fonts that can be downloaded provided by means of electronic transmission, Probes for testing integrated circuits, Radar, Radiation shields for electronic products, Radio telephones, Radios, Radios incorporating clocks, video; radio frequency, intermediate frequency, or optical receivers; Rheostats, Satellite navigational system, namely, a global positioning system, Satellite processors, Semiconductor chips, Semiconductor devices, Semiconductors, Signal processors, Silicon chips, Silicon wafers, GaAs chips, GaAs wafers, Static voltage regulators, System boards and processors, Telecommunication switches, Testers, Timing sensors, Transceivers, Transistors, Transmitters, Transmultiplexers, Transponders, Two-way radios, Voltage regulators for electric power, Web site development software, Wide area networks, wireless networks, physical layer devices, Wireless telephones; (Based on Use in Commerce) Publications offered for sale that feature product, or service, specifications, descriptions or offerings and recorded or transmitted in or on any medium |