Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) black, white, metallic silver, red, purple, charcoal, gray, yellow, green, and pink is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of Stylized and capital italic type M with red, metallic silver, purple, charcoal, black, and white as outline colors of the M with metallic silver, charcoal, black, and white as fill colors of the M, Stylized and lowercase italic type r with red, metallic silver, purple, charcoal, black, and white as outline colors of the r, with metallic silver, charcoal, black, and white as fill colors of the r, Period after r with red, metallic silver, purple, charcoal, black, and white as outline colors of the Period with metallic silver, charcoal, black, and white as fill colors of the Period, Stylized, capital, italic type, and unique P with red, metallic silver, yellow, charcoal, black, white, and pink as outline colors of the unique P with metallic silver, charcoal, black, and white as fill colors of the unique P, Stylized and lowercase italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase block print italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase italic type p adjoined to a stylized and uppercase italic type L joined in cursive to a stylized and lowercase italic type e joined in cursive to a stylized and uppercase italic type S with red, metallic silver, yellow, charcoal, black, white, and pink as outline colors of the stylized and lowercase italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase block print italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase italic type p adjoined to a stylized and uppercase italic type L with metallic silver, charcoal, black, white and pink as outline colors of the lowercase italic type e joined in cursive to a stylized and uppercase italic type S with metallic silver, charcoal, black, and white as fill colors of the stylized and lowercase italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase block print italic type e joined in cursive with a stylized and lowercase italic type p adjoined to a stylized and uppercase italic type L joined in cursive to a stylized and lowercase italic type e joined in cursive to a stylized and uppercase italic type S. Beneath Mr. Peeples are all caps standard block text consisting of black SEAFOOD, followed by a star, STEAK, followed by a star, STYLE, followed by a star. |