Goods and Services | personal financial and business financial goods and services, namely, goods and services for accounting and bookkeeping; advisor job and career listing classifieds; angel investing; annuities; archiving of financial records; asset allocation; asset management; banking; budgeting; business formation and organization; business consulting and strategy; financial planning; business opportunity assessment; calculators; career counseling and projected earnings; checking and debit account and payments; currency exchange and currency hedging and trading; collectables ownership, sales, and investing; college funding; college selection and admissions; compensation strategies; credit cards; crowd sourcing investments; custodian and investment accounts; debt strategies, sources, and instruments; directory of advisors and financial services; expense tracking; financial account aggregation; financial books and publishing; financial media programming; financial collaboration with advisors and clients; financial records storage; financial education; financial news and content; financial personality assessment; financial planning; financial risk assessment; financial transactions; Hedge funds; Insurance, namely, life, auto, home, and umbrella; business Investment strategies Investments and portfolio management; loans, namely, student loans, personal and commercial, and business loans; matching individuals with professional financial advisors; metals ownership and trading; microloans and micro financing; mortgages and home equity loans; online auctions and auctions of collectables; options; private banking; private equity; real estate and home buying and selling; real estate listings, reports and statements; retirement plans, programs and accounts; searching of financial databases, financial products, financial research, and investment collectables; stocks; bonds; mutual funds; ETFs and other financial instruments; stock trading accounts; taxes and trust accounts; trusts, wills, estate planning; and venture capital |