Hand Operated Tools-Namely,[AXES,] CULTIVATORS, [CUTTERS, LETTUCE CUTTERS, THISTLe, Dock and Weed Cutters, D-Handles FOR TOOLS,] DRAGS, [MANURE DRAGS, POTATO DRags, Phosphate Drags, Stone Drags, EDGERs,] Lawn Edgers,[TURF EDGERS] FORKS, [LIght and Heavy Forks, Alfalfa FORKS, ASPHALT FORKS, BALING FORKS, BALLAST FORKS, Barley Forks, Beet Forks, ClOVER FORKS, COAL FORKS, Coal SCOOP FORKS, COKE FORks, CoTTON SEED, FORKS, ENGLISH DIGGING FOrks, Ensilage Forks, Fish ForKS, FLORAL Spading Forks, Gr...
Cancelled · February 12, 1942 · 71450930 ·