Description of Mark | "To the USPTO: Friday, November 14, 2003 The following excerpts are not in exactly chronological order but reflect the spirit and nature of the events. They all took place on the above date. The statements below serve to document the confirmation of my recognition as the Second Coming of Christ. In addition, I am attaching several images taken from a microfilm received several weeks ago. This was the first tangible evidence, although numerous events prior to that time led up to this. I am prepared to produce the entire photo archive if necessary. I have notified a patent attorney in Dallas, Texas, asking for help drafting a patent to document this event and as a statement to the technological community about spirituality. I am attaching the text of the emails below as well. I may have reason to believe that my communications with this attorney were not confidential, which raises the possibility that another may try to file this patent application before me. Given that there is no way to electronically file a patent application, I have no choice but to file for a trademark instead, as it is Saturday and I am in Thailand. I respectfully request that you forward this immediately to a USPTO employee of Buddhist faith ASAP. Please accept my deep gratitude for your help in this matter. I swear to God and under oath of perjury that these statements are true. Douglas F. Carey 11/15/2003 A Thai Muslim, Joey had never been to a Buddhist temple. He was worried because he was not Buddhist, but felt proud and that he needed to see. During the visit he saw some things that only he could see. He saw a gold colored energy ball at the first temple. The energy strapped him against the wall at the same time telling him to go upstairs. Thinking about his family and hoping they will be happy. If Looking inside the glass box, looked very empty - out of proportion. Told the monk he was very proud to be here. Did not want to dishonor Muslim beliefs but at the same time very excited. He could sense Yui's friend only 50% believer but got her to 100%. The monks bowl - first time tested the bowl by intentionally not believing and could not lift it. Second time was proud and lifted it OK. Third time to be sure.. Proud of both faiths. Muslim and son of Godfather. Downstairs only felt the energy. Upstairs actually talking to GF at the same time. Province: Lopburi Godfather Monk: Pra Sri Ari Ya Sat Trai First Monk asked what we were seeking, Aoh: I can see everything in the world. I come from above. Monk asked about bday. Not 100% sure but Mom says on New Years. Lost everything in business - accidentally went to that temple. Prayed to same Godfather to be his daughter and ask him to show the way. Promised not to eat beef. Returned home, life changed - better. Won lottery and other lucky occurrences. Within 1 year back up to 1 mil baht. 6-8 months later starting to see things - more than other people. Can see people's soul/aura. 1 year passed - more power - can see something heavenly came and tried to make her do something and scared her. Day by Day; special things happening more often and begin to actually talk to Godfather Upstairs: Old Monk: I have been expecting you. Aoh: same story OM - I believe your story but if nobody else will believe it. There is more that I cannot tell you. For now you must wait. _____________________________________________________________ Doug: Joey becomes GF: You are very handsome. I have never spoken with a farang before. DC: You have only spoken with Thai people GF: Let me look at your face DC: Im sorry but I don't understand - you have only spoken with Thai people GF: You have a glowing around you. Are you the Christ DC: No. I don't understand why you have only spoken to Thai people. GF: Let me look at your face. DC: Please excuse me for toilet - DISBELIEF Next night: Joey/GF: Come here DC: Do I still have the glowing around my face Joey: You know we have changed the positions around. DC: I don't care what my position is, I just want to do the job. Joey: Yes, I was the same way. DC: I don't really know how to tell people because they will think I'm crazy. Joey: You will find your way DC: You know I never really went to church but I've always been spiritual. The strange thing is that so many people who go to church are really not spiritual. So I guess I have to find a way to make them believe. My church is really science. I am thinking of writing a patent explaining the spiritual meaning, so that todays technology people can understand?. [GF went away] Resuscitate Joey - Joey in trouble with GF because he invited the devil into our house. We could not really resuscitate Joey so Aoh decides we must all go to the temple so everyone can see for themselves and to redeem Joey. We drove 3 hours to the temple mountain. 7 people in Aoh's Honda CRV. Aoh driving, DC in the pax seat, 4 across in the back seat: Muai, Yui, Pang, Ek. Joey in the back luggage area. Stopped to get gas and bought several packs of bottled water, assorted fruit, jasmine PuoMaLai to bring to the monks. Arriving at the temple mountain, didn't look like much other than a small road with a few houses along the way. Parked in partially shaded area with normal looking buildings in view. Used WC - Aoh walks around to sort things out. She comes back hurriedly and has me get in the car and we drive about 50 yds to another building. The others walk there. The first building is a temple with rather plain décor on the outside. The monk invites us in and we bring the water etc. We burn incense and the conversation begins. Additional note: Said witness must be Buddhist. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Mason" ¿RMason@--------------¿ To: "Douglas Carey" ¿dcarey@-----------¿ Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:15 PM Subject: Re: Checking In ¿ Doug, ¿ ¿ There are two issues you should be aware of in this situation: ¿ Firstly, the Patent Office can request a model, working model, or other ¿ physical exhibit whenever they deem necessary. The Patent Office rule ¿ relating to this is 37 C.F.R. 1.91(b). For example, there have been ¿ from time-to-time applications claiming perpetual motion machines. ¿ Because the currently known laws of physics do not support such type of ¿ machines, the Patent Office simply asks for a working model. Because no ¿ one has been able to submit such a working model, the Patent Office ¿ rejects the applications for not complying with the request. I will ¿ assume for this that you would be able to demonstrate telepathic ¿ communication with extraterrestrials such that you'd be able to meet the ¿ request for a working model, if such was made by the Patent Office. ¿ ¿ Secondly, you should also keep in mind that the U.S. government ¿ reserves the right to take anything it wants in exchange for reasonable ¿ compensation. The Statute is 35 U.S.C. 181 and it gives the right to ¿ almost any government agency to have the Patent Office withhold the ¿ granting of a patent and order the invention be kept secret. This is ¿ for national defense and security purposes, generally. In addition, the ¿ government can deny you the right file for patent protection in foreign ¿ countries (again for national defense purposes, generally). My guess is ¿ that once you were able to demonstrate such extraterrestrial telepathic ¿ communication, the U.S. government would consider it a threat to ¿ national security and order the invention be kept secret. ¿ ¿ To avoid this, you may consider simply applying for patent ¿ protection on the inventions disclosed through the telepathic ¿ extraterrestrial communication. Remember, though, to apply for a ¿ patent, the named inventor makes an oath or declaration that they are ¿ the first and true inventors of the subject matter for which patent ¿ protection is sought. In the application, you can identify the ¿ extraterrestrials as the inventors, though they would have to sign ¿ papers, or you can name the Earth person to whom the information was ¿ first communicated, as no one would believe the extraterrestrial ¿ communication -- something along the lines of an author feeling that God ¿ inspired them and told them what to write, paint, or sing -- the Earth ¿ bound being is considered the author and gets the copyright, not God. ¿ ¿ There is little way to extend the life of a patent. One way is ¿ when the Patent Office takes a long time in it's examination, or perhaps ¿ when they keep the invention secret. Another way is through extensive ¿ lobbying, such as drug companies do. They have a similar argument: it ¿ it takes longer for them to recoup their commercial investment, so ¿ extend the patent. They are successful when the FDA takes time to allow ¿ the drug on the market, as this is time the patent is in effect, but ¿ they are kept from commercializing the invention. ¿ ¿ If there is a special machine that facilitates the ¿ extraterrestrial communication, that may be the best bet for ¿ patentability, though I suggest disclosing a different use for the ¿ machine, as the intended use would raise red flags, eyebrows, and ¿ otherwise call too much attention to the application. ¿ ¿ As for not paying for the application, inventors can always ¿ represent themselves before the Patent Office, so you need not pay an ¿ attorney to prepare the application(s). If you want to hire an ¿ attorney, you know that they are a conservative bunch by nature and ¿ rather get their hourly fee than a contingency, though some attorneys ¿ accept cases on contingency bases. You know I'm happy to help wherever ¿ I can. ¿ ¿ Hope this information helps. Please let me know of additional questions ¿ you may have. ¿ ¿ ¿ On dojo news, any advice as to where the dojo should invest some ¿ money. We do not have a lot, but have managed to accumulate about ¿ $5,000.00, or so, that we can set aside and do not need for operating ¿ capital for the foreseeable future. Of course, we're looking for low ¿ risk and high gain, just like everyone else :-) -- have ¿ you reproduced the results from those $2/share that went to $25 and ¿ $50/share stocks lately ¿ ¿ Sorry we missed each other at Winter Camp. Any chance you'll be ¿ in Dallas in January. Yamada sensei, Peter Bernath, Harvey Konigsberg, ¿ David Halprin, several other shidoin and a whole bunch of guests have ¿ been making it to Dallas for our January seminar the last 2 years. ¿ Please keep it in mind. If not then, I'm planning on making the 40th ¿ anniversary Summer Camp, so maybe we'll get a chance to catch up then. ¿ ¿ Give my best to everyone, ¿ Bob ¿ ¿ -- ¿ Robert M. Mason ¿ Mason & Petruzzi ¿ 13601 Preston Rd. Ste. 402W ¿ Dallas, Texas 75240 ¿ Tel: (972) 788-1500 ¿ Fax: (972) 788-1561 ¿ ¿ ______________________________________________________ ¿ ¿ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any documents ¿ or other writings sent with it constitute confidential information which ¿ is intended only for the named recipient and which may be legally ¿ privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please ¿ immediately notify us by collect telephone call to 972-788-1500 for ¿ instructions on its destruction or return. Any disclosure, copying, ¿ distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this ¿ communication or any attachment(s) by anyone other than the named ¿ recipient is strictly prohibited. ¿ ¿ ¿ _____________________________ I do not expect significant interference from the US Governement on this, but better to be aware of the potential for that. Should we need to provide a working model, do we have flexibility regarding the setting and procedure for such model. Would a demonstration be adequate I do not believe we would be allowed to record such an event but perhaps a witness would be acceptable. I should also clarify that the telepathic communication is not limited to ETs and I believe in fact may also include what traditional religion refers to as angels, archangels etc.. This is something I knew nothing about a few months ago. I provide a link regarding this topic. It would seem that I have some significant position in this heirarchy (a dan ranking as it were). I am no longer worried about the life of the patent. Rather, I am most interested in using it as a recording of some sort, as well as a wake-up call to the scientific community. I know that many companies monitor new patent issuances, so this would definitely raise some eyebrows. Again, I really have no monitary interest in this - more of a service to mankind. So the potential for future litigation is not really a concern; in fact I would like to see the traditional religious institutions try to object to the issuance etc.. Regarding special machines, there are none, but some of the ki-enhancing techniques that we are familiar with (certain types of massage) are crucial in these interactions.. Aikidoists in particular will have a special place in the events to come.. I would be happy to draft this but in order for it to be as complete as I would like, it could take some time. A placeholder would be helpful in the interim. I believe that I may be able to help with investment advice in due course. I think the business process piece may be the place to start but you are the expert. On additional note, regarding the demo, if I know the identity of the potential USPTO witness, and can meet with him/her in advance, I may be able to arrange for the demo to take place offsite (probably not scheduled and would be very personal for the person in question) without any of us involved. It would be important that he be a Christian, Buddhist, or of another faith that has an open mind. God Bless, Doug ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Mason" ¿RMason------------------¿ To: "Douglas Carey" ¿dcarey--------------¿ Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:15 PM Subject: Re: Checking In ¿ Doug, ¿ ¿ There are two issues you should be aware of in this situation: ¿ Firstly, the Patent Office can request a model, working model, or other ¿ physical exhibit whenever they deem necessary. The Patent Office rule ¿ relating to this is 37 C.F.R. 1.91(b). For example, there have been ¿ from time-to-time applications claiming perpetual motion machines. ¿ Because the currently known laws of physics do not support such type of ¿ machines, the Patent Office simply asks for a working model. Because no ¿ one has been able to submit such a working model, the Patent Office ¿ rejects the applications for not complying with the request. I will ¿ assume for this that you would be able to demonstrate telepathic ¿ communication with extraterrestrials such that you'd be able to meet the ¿ request for a working model, if such was made by the Patent Office. ¿ ¿ Secondly, you should also keep in mind that the U.S. government ¿ reserves the right to take anything it wants in exchange for reasonable ¿ compensation. The Statute is 35 U.S.C. 181 and it gives the right to ¿ almost any government agency to have the Patent Office withhold the ¿ granting of a patent and order the invention be kept secret. This is ¿ for national defense and security purposes, generally. In addition, the ¿ government can deny you the right file for patent protection in foreign ¿ countries (again for national defense purposes, generally). My guess is ¿ that once you were able to demonstrate such extraterrestrial telepathic ¿ communication, the U.S. government would consider it a threat to ¿ national security and order the invention be kept secret. ¿ ¿ To avoid this, you may consider simply applying for patent ¿ protection on the inventions disclosed through the telepathic ¿ extraterrestrial communication. Remember, though, to apply for a ¿ patent, the named inventor makes an oath or declaration that they are ¿ the first and true inventors of the subject matter for which patent ¿ protection is sought. In the application, you can identify the ¿ extraterrestrials as the inventors, though they would have to sign ¿ papers, or you can name the Earth person to whom the information was ¿ first communicated, as no one would believe the extraterrestrial ¿ communication -- something along the lines of an author feeling that God ¿ inspired them and told them what to write, paint, or sing -- the Earth ¿ bound being is considered the author and gets the copyright, not God. ¿ ¿ There is little way to extend the life of a patent. One way is ¿ when the Patent Office takes a long time in it's examination, or perhaps ¿ when they keep the invention secret. Another way is through extensive ¿ lobbying, such as drug companies do. They have a similar argument: it ¿ it takes longer for them to recoup their commercial investment, so ¿ extend the patent. They are successful when the FDA takes time to allow ¿ the drug on the market, as this is time the patent is in effect, but ¿ they are kept from commercializing the invention. ¿ ¿ If there is a special machine that facilitates the ¿ extraterrestrial communication, that may be the best bet for ¿ patentability, though I suggest disclosing a different use for the ¿ machine, as the intended use would raise red flags, eyebrows, and ¿ otherwise call too much attention to the application. ¿ ¿ As for not paying for the application, inventors can always ¿ represent themselves before the Patent Office, so you need not pay an ¿ attorney to prepare the application(s). If you want to hire an ¿ attorney, you know that they are a conservative bunch by nature and ¿ rather get their hourly fee than a contingency, though some attorneys ¿ accept cases on contingency bases. You know I'm happy to help wherever ¿ I can. ¿ ¿ Hope this information helps. Please let me know of additional questions ¿ you may have. ¿ ¿ ¿ On dojo news, any advice as to where the dojo should invest some ¿ money. We do not have a lot, but have managed to accumulate about ¿ $5,000.00, or so, that we can set aside and do not need for operating ¿ capital for the foreseeable future. Of course, we're looking for low ¿ risk and high gain, just like everyone else :-) -- have ¿ you reproduced the results from those $2/share that went to $25 and ¿ $50/share stocks lately ¿ ¿ Sorry we missed each other at Winter Camp. Any chance you'll be ¿ in Dallas in January. Yamada sensei, Peter Bernath, Harvey Konigsberg, ¿ David Halprin, several other shidoin and a whole bunch of guests have ¿ been making it to Dallas for our January seminar the last 2 years. ¿ Please keep it in mind. If not then, I'm planning on making the 40th ¿ anniversary Summer Camp, so maybe we'll get a chance to catch up then. ¿ ¿ Give my best to everyone, ¿ Bob ¿ ¿ -- ¿ Robert M. Mason ¿ Mason & Petruzzi ¿ 13601 Preston Rd. Ste. 402W ¿ Dallas, Texas 75240 ¿ Tel: (972) 788-1500 ¿ Fax: (972) 788-1561 ¿ ¿ ______________________________________________________ ¿ ¿ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This electronic transmission and any documents ¿ or other writings sent with it constitute confidential information which ¿ is intended only for the named recipient and which may be legally ¿ privileged. If you have received this communication in error, please ¿ immediately notify us by collect telephone call to 972-788-1500 for ¿ instructions on its destruction or return. Any disclosure, copying, ¿ distribution or the taking of any action concerning the contents of this ¿ communication or any attachment(s) by anyone other than the named ¿ recipient is strictly prohibited. ¿ ¿ ¿ ___________________________ Repeating some but in a hurry: Province: Lopburi Godfather Monk: Pra Sri Ari Ya Sat Trai First Monk asked what we were seeking, Aoh: I can see everything in the world. I come from above. Monk asked about bday. Not 100% sure but Mom says on New Years. Lost everything in business - accidentally went to that temple. Prayed to same Godfather to be his daughter and ask him to show the way. Promised not to eat beef. Returned home, life changed - better. Won lottery and other lucky occurrences. Within 1 year back up to 1 mil baht. 6-8 months later starting to see things - more than other people. Can see people's soul/aura. 1 year passed - more power - can see something heavenly came and tried to make her do something and scared her. Day by Day; special things happening more often and begin to actually talk to Godfather Upstairs: Old Monk: I have been expecting you. Aoh: same story OM - I believe your story but if nobody else will believe it. There is more that I cannot tell you. For now you must wait. _____________________________________________________________ I'm glad you keep reading and rereading my emails. Please let me know if I can provide any additional input to aid in your assessment. I know this sounds crazy, but the beautiful thing about patent law is that it distills everything down to clearly defined factually based specs and claims. I think this is the best tool that I have to work with given recent events, lest I suffer the fate of Galileo.. For something more tangible, give me an FTP site to upload some images and promise me you will not distribute it.. The total file size is around 8 megs. ----- Original Message ----- From: Bob Mason To: Douglas Carey Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 3:42 PM Subject: Re: Checking In Doug, Just a quick note to let you know I got your eMail. Sorry I missed you at Winter Camp -- I was in and out quite quickly with other obligations at home. I'll probably be able to get you a coherent response to your eMail before the end of the week, though. take care, Bob What do you think about the patenability of business processes connected to telepathic communications I have been recently exposed to a variety of interesting, reproduceable, confirmable telephatic activities between parties on our planet and other parties that I believe to be extraterrestrial. " |