Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) light blue and dark blue is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of a shield symbol derived from an open source icon, Helveticons, split in half by two colors: the left side is the light blue color and the right side is the dark blue color. The logo also contains the word "IdentitySmart" with no extra space between the words "Identity" and "Smart". The word "Identity" is the light blue color, and the word "Smart" is the dark blue color. Light blue: CMYK: C=77, M=53, Y=0, K=0, Hex: #2b7aed, RGB: R=43, G=122, B=237. Dark blue CMYK: C=96, M=77, Y=1, K=0, Hex:#1650a5, RGB: R=22, G=80, B=165. The word "IdentitySmart" appears in a licensed typeface called "Ultima Alt Regular". is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of the logo, a shield icon at the top and the word 'IdentitySmart' with no space in between 'Identity' and 'Smart' to the bottom of the shield. The first letter of the words 'Identity' and 'Smart' are capitalized, with the rest of the letters in lowercase. The shield icon and word "IdentitySmart" are split in half by two blue colors: the left side of the shield and the word "Identity" are light blue, and the right side of the shield and the word "Smart" are dark blue. The color(s) light blue and dark blue is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of a shield symbol derived from an open source icon, Helveticons. Light blue: CMYK: C=77, M=53, Y=0, K=0, Hex: #2b7aed, RGB: R=43, G=122, B=237. Dark blue CMYK: C=96, M=77, Y=1, K=0, Hex:#1650a5, RGB: R=22, G=80, B=165. The word "IdentitySmart" appears in a licensed typeface called "Ultima Alt Regular". |
Goods and Services | IdentitySmart provides a web application that gives user the ability to manage, control, and protect their identity against identity theft through various services, such as credit monitoring protection, privacy breach monitoring, and identity theft insurance and restoration |
Pseudo Mark | IDENTITY SMART |