Canned Goods-Namely, Fruits, [ Fruits and Grain, Vegetables, Vegetables and Grain, Meats and Products Thereof, Vegetables and Meat, Meat and Grain, Meat and Grain and Vegetables, Grain and Meat and Eggs, Fish, Sausage, Poultry and Grain and Vegetables; ] Fruit Juices ,[ Vegetable Juices,] Fruit Nectars, [ Soups, Desserts, Puddings, Fruit Pie Filling, Catsup, Relishes, Olives, and Pickles; and Frozen Goods-Namely, Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Fish and Grain, Shellfish, Fruit Juices, Fruit Pies, V...
Registered · April 19, 1960 · 72095376 ·