Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) The color(s) red, blue, green, white, beige, and pink is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of five anthropomorphic elephants titled Dad, Mom, Eddie, Elly and Eric in red, blue, green, white, beige, and pink. The following colors are used to describe the mark; Green-- elephant, Shirt-- white, Pants/skirts-- blue, belt-- brown, Nails, beige/red and pink-- tongues. The caption in the marks reads Ewaste Elephants. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |
Description of Mark | The mark consists of The color(s) red, blue, green, white, beige, and pink is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. The mark consists of five anthropomorphic elephants titled Dad, Mom, Eddie, Elly and Eric in red, blue, green, white, beige, and pink. The following colors are used to describe the mark; Green-- elephant, Shirt-- white, Pants/skirts-- blue, belt-- brown, Nails, beige/red and pink-- tongues. The caption in the marks reads Ewaste Elephants. . |
Goods and Services | Social marketing public awareness reminder, remembrance and prevention education training for consumers, schools, colleges, vocational schools, technical schools, charities, correctional facilities, government agencies, municipalities, corporations, businesses, religious organizations, social welfare organizations, fraternal organizations, military organizations, labor unions, computer manufacturers, computer retailers, electronics manufacturers, electronics retailers, office supply retailers, mass merchandise retailers, home improvement retailers, environmental organizations, waste haulers, recyclers, engineering organizations, technical organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) through the use of photographs, fliers, decals, stationary, bags, sacks, notepads, award certificates, bumper stickers, coloring books, envelopes, rubber stamps, signs, buttons, calendars, greeting cards, packaging, books, posters, pamphlets, banners, newsletters, brochures, door hangers, charts, labeling, stickers, tags, menus, packaging, training manuals, magazines, comic books, coloring books, badges, catalogs, puzzles, curriculum, lesson plans, bill inserts, redemption coupons, point-of-sale receipts, kiosks, bill boards, bulletin boards, videos, DVDs, direct mail, direct calls, product branding, radio, television, cable, satellite, internet, motion pictures, paging, seminars, tradeshows, conferences, conventions, public/private partnerships, exhibitions, sponsorships, co-promotions, public speaking, trade advisory groups, Ad-Hoc committees, volunteer groups, fliers, books, posters, pamphlets, banners, newsletters, blogs, listservs, electronics messaging boards, and forums |