Description of Mark | The mark consists of the BubbleSquad Logo embodies a vibrant and captivating world, portraying a harmonious blend of elements. A majestic blue ocean forms the base, complemented by lush green land, encapsulated by a sleek black outline, accentuating its appeal.Dominating the left side of the world is a mesmerizing volcano, emanating a dynamic mix of brown, red, and gray smoke, adding an element of mystique and energy to the design. Atop the world, the iconic BubbleSquad character beams with joy, boasting lustrous yellow hair, and donning a stylish pink/redish shirt that complements their light tan skin tone.A graceful brown and green tree stands proudly beside the character, symbolizing growth and nature's harmony. The presence of a radiant yellow sun with black eyes further enhances the allure of the logo.On the right side of the world, a delightful scene unfolds, featuring a refreshing cup of coffee in hues of green, orange, and gray. A dark brown coffee bean nestles alongside, signifying the essence of this beloved beverage. A charming pink and purple coffee mug with steam swirling above, exudes warmth and comfort.As a tribute to the spirit of adventure, a cheerful gray airplane with red wings takes flight, evoking a sense of boundless possibilities and excitement.The logo is completed with the inclusion of enchanting gray clouds, adorned with captivating black eyes, playfully drifting above.To subtly emphasize the brand's name, "BubbleSquad," the letters "B" and "S" appear prominently on top of the world. The letter "B" is colored in a regal purple, representing Bubble, while the letter S is charmingly presented in a bright yellow shade, symbolizing Squad.To elevate the logo's visual impact, a sleek white outline surrounds the entire design, providing a subtle background that makes the elements pop and ensures a lasting impression on all who encounter it.The BubbleSquad Logo seamlessly captures the essence of adventure, joy, and unity, making it an unforgettable trademark that perfectly embodies the spirit of the brand. The logo has shades. |
Indication of Colors claimed | The color(s) Blue, Green, Black, Brown, Red, Gray, Yellow, Pink, Redish, Light tan, Orange, Purple, and White is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. |