Goods and Services | conducting seminars in the field of oriental medicine which includes oriental medicine overview, injection therapy, phlebotomy, pharmacology, Western herbal medicine, drug herb interactions, protocol of ordering labwork, x-rays, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), general interpretation of data, homeopathic medicine, physical exam, clinical nutrition, Western physical diagnosis, Western diagnosis, sarapin in injection therapy use and function, x-ray interpretation, managing homeopathic medicine, oriental orthopedic medicine, neural therapy, oriental medicine history, theory, substances used, injection techniques, and equipment, scar injections, paraspinal injections, segmental injections, cautions and contradictions, demonstration of injection techniques, additional injection techniques and substances, including intravenous infusion, acupuncture points, homeopathic, minerals, sterile saline, vitamins, sterile water glandular and live cell products, bee venom, therapeutic serum, and sterile herbal preparations, case management, namely, case histories, clinical applications, documenting the case, contradictions and handling emergencies, oxygen therapy, oral chelation using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), and sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate (DMPS), definitions, concepts and pathophysiology in connection with myofascial pain, and trigger points, review of anatomy and pain referral zones of the head, neck and shoulder, torso, abdomen, back, hip and groin, demonstration of palpation techniques for identification of trigger points of the head, neck, torso, abdomen, back, hip and groin, vapocoolant use and related therapeutic considerations, demonstration of spray and stretch techniques for the head, neck, torso, abdomen, back, hip and groin, adjunctive manual methods, contraindications and cautions, demonstration of functional, orthopedic and neurological exam, providing instruction on product sources, legal considerations, scope of practice restrictions, relationship of extended prescription authority to the expanded prescription authority, and opportunities for continuing education, review of functional, orthopedic and neurological exams, trigger point injections, namely, history, theory, substances used, equipment and demonstration of injection techniques for the head, neck and shoulder, torso, abdomen, back, hip and groin, precautions and contradictions in connection with trigger point injections; written and oral testing of professional orientation |