Description of Mark | The mark consists of a stylized graphic made up of 21 illustrated icons visually explaining our services of design and product creation across apparel, soft goods, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. These icons appear in a process map from left to right, with arrows on a line connecting all the icons indicating direction of the process flow, in a backward "s" like sequence. Starting from the top left icon and moving to the right, the 1st icon indicates a woman icon running with a lightbulb. The 2nd icon is a centered lightbulb with the tip of a pencil. The third icon displays a stylized human figure with the words "360" degrees to the left of the person, and the word "data" to the right with a circular arrow surrounding the image. The fourth icon from the left in the top row, indicates 3 overlapping circles. The 5th icon from the left in the top row, shows a two-line chart in a square with the letter's "A" and "B". The 6th icon on the top row from the left shows 7 heads of stylized humans encircled by a circle with a question mark "?" on the right of the circle. This icon is followed by an arrow pointing to the right. The 7th icon on the top right after the arrow, is a vertical ruler with a vertical pencil. The 8th icon on the right underneath the 7th icon, is a free form line starting with an "A" at the top left, two stars along the free-form line ending at a "B" at the bottom right. The 9th icon on the 2nd row starting from the right, is an exclamation point "!" with the word "RISK" centered underneath. The 10th icon is on the 2nd row and second in from the right, is a brain with a mark indicating a position in the brain sketch. An arrow points to the left before the 11th icon on the 2nd row positioned from the right, is one solid oval in the upper left connected by a dotted line to an oval with a star centered in it on the bottom right. The 12th icon is on the 2nd row and the 4thicon from the right, this icon is two check marks, one under the other, overlaying a circle. The 13th icon is on the 2nd row and the 5th icon from the right, this is a stylized turned up page with a circle and a square overlapping each other, 6 small circles and lines. The 13th icon is followed by an arrow pointing to the left. The 14th icon is on the left side following the arrow and the 13th icon, this is an illustration of a stylized page with a silhouette of a solid top style with the words "GO!" to the left. The 15th icon is on the left side positioned directly under the 14th icon, this is an illustration of a rolled page being unrolled to the right with an arrow centered of the page's edge. The 16th icon is located on the 3rd row and is the first icon from the left. This icon is a stylized human with a circle centered for the head and a half circle as the top torso with the words written out "UX TESTING" a circle encompasses the entire image and text. The 17th icon is located on the 3rd row and is the second icon from the left. The 17th icon is two stylized human figures with legs and arms positioned side by side each other, each with a check mark over the human figure. The 18th icon is located on the 3rd row, the third icon from the left. The 18th icon shows an illustration of a women's top with a centered line, the top is surrounded by two silhouettes of the same shape each slightly bigger. The 19th icon is located on the 3rd row, the fourth icon from the left. The 19th icon show a dress form shape with a line draped around the neck indicating a measuring tape, this icon is surrounded by a circle with an arrow on the right. The 20th icon is on the 3rd row, the fifth icon from the left. The 20thicon shows a package illustrated on a conveyor belt with 2 arrows pointing to the right. An arrow pointing to the right is centered between the 20th and 21st icon on the third row. The 21st icon is located on the 3rd row, the 21st icon is the first icon from the right. The 21st icon illustrates an arrow pointing to the right with the words "GO!" centered underneath. |